Lifespan extension experiments using thymus and pineal peptides

Lifespan extension experiments were performed on vivarium mice and rats. At the time of the investigation, all of these animals had had their first half of life behind them. In terms of humans, it would be around 40 years of age. These animals were divided into two groups. One of these groups received a preparation with thymus peptides and pineal gland peptides in certain courses at regular intervals. The other animals, in the control group, did not receive any peptides.

Why thymus and pineal peptides?

Just as the thymus is the main organ of the immune system, the pineal gland is the main organ of the endocrine system. The immune system and the endocrine system, together with the nervous system, are among the most complex and vulnerable systems in the human organism. These systems suffer particularly badly from the influence of many negative stress factors on the body as well as during aging. In these systems, functional disorders develop very quickly, which then lead to further changes in the physiological functions of various other organs and systems.

This experiment has shown that animals given thymus peptides and pineal peptides in addition to their diet in certain courses from the second half of their lives increased their lifespan by 30% to 38%. The animals in the test group thus lived up to 38% longer than the animals in the control group.

A graph of physiological lifespan, lifespan due to premature aging, and lifespan after using peptides

Various tissue fragments were taken from all animals and examined. They were compared to each other on a cellular level. Such levels of research with living models make it possible to determine the effect of peptides most precisely. The tissue samples from animals in the experimental group were significantly younger and healthier than those from animals in the control group.

This experiment also showed that all animals in the test group not only survived to the upper limit of their biological age, but felt much better at every stage of their life than all other animals in the control group who were not given peptides. It also looked like every phase of her life would be extended. What was particularly striking was the fact that the reproductive phase of these animals was even longer than that of the animals in the control group. This effect was shown again in further experiments with mice, rats and monkeys.

Scientists have repeated such experiments several times over the course of 30 years. All these experiments have shown that processes of peptide regulation and self-regulation of practically all body systems are exclusively physiological in nature. They are a clear repetition of processes that normally take place in the body. When the body is healthy, it goes through the process of physiological aging. That is, the body ages according to the law of physiology = natural, normal. How it should be. Just as evolution intended.

Unfortunately, physiological aging occurs extremely rarely in nature. Basically, in most cases it is premature aging. We all age prematurely. It has to do with the fact that we are all constantly exposed to extreme stressors.

A life extension study was also conducted in humans. This study lasted 12 years. Over 300 people took part in this study. All participants were old people. Twice a year, the participants received a preparation with thymus peptides and pineal peptides daily for one month. The scientists compared the data on their condition with the data from regional statistics. This study showed that all participants in this study felt significantly better and were less prone to age-related diseases than people of the same age from the region. A very special result of this study was that the mortality rate among the study participants was almost 50% lower than in the regional statistics.