Peptides - organic substances for normal cell function
The optimal functioning of the human organism is directly connected with the state of cells. The scientific evidence shows that the health of the organism depends directly on the health of each individual cell. If cells work well, the organs and systems work well. In order for the cells to function well, their optimal supply with all necessary substances is required.
It has been already over 50 years ago, since medical scientists have discovered that for the normal functioning cells, among other substances, also need peptides.
Peptides - organic substances consisting of amino acids linked by peptide bonding. In living cells, the peptides are synthesized from amino acids or are the products of the protein metabolism - the degradation of proteins into small fractions.

Each cell of the human body forms / synthesizes proteins. This process is vital for the cell to develop and function properly. In a young body protein synthesis works very well. Accordingly, a sufficient amount of peptides is also formed. Therefore in a young body, usually, all the organs and systems work very well.
Unfortunately, the intensity of the protein synthesis decreases as a result of age, and in particular under the influence of a multitude of negative factors on the body (illness, stress, physical and mental stress, deficient nutrition, etc.). The older you get or the more intense the stress, the faster decreases the body's intensity of proteins synthesis. As a result, fewer proteins and eventually peptides are formed. The level of regulatory peptides decreases. This can lead to disorders of the cell functions, development of pathological conditions and accelerated 'wear' of the most important body systems. The more extreme the conditions in which the organism works, the greater the need for tissue-specific peptides.
The scientists found that deficiency of peptides in the body leads to the dysfunction of the cells, accelerated 'wear' of tissues, development of pathological conditions and accelerated aging of the organism. At the same time, they have shown in numerous studies that by using peptides and restoring the physiological peptide level in the organism, one can counteract these conditions. Accordingly, to more specifically and effectively support the body cells in certain situations, peptide preparations can play a very important role as an additional source of peptides.
Short peptides are the same in all mammals. In numerous studies, the scientists have demonstrated that when peptides are produced from animal tissues, e.g. cattle, or pigs, and introduced to another animal or human being, these are assumed by the organism as endogenic substances.
Moreover, peptides have tissue-specific properties. They only work in the tissue from which they were originally isolated. By using peptides of animal origin, the enrichment of the pool of regulatory peptides takes place in the body of the tissue from which they were originally isolated. This leads to the normalization and maintenance of the physiological peptide level in the corresponding tissue, which is necessary for a physiologically normal functioning of the cells.
For the extraction of raw materials for our products, only healthy young animals are used of the age of up to 10 months, calves or pigs, which have been approved by the official veterinarian and approved for human consumption. In addition, in order to achieve the maximum possible safety, we only use animals from selected farms - contract partners. These operations are subject to increased requirements and controls. No disease was found in animals from these farms.
We have peptides of several animal tissue types. These include, for example, thymus peptides, liver peptides, cartilage peptides, heart peptides etc. No chemicals or other harmful or undesired substances are used in the extraction. The modern technology ensures the recovery of peptides of biologically natural, unchanged form. This is very important for the safety of the peptides. In addition, thanks to elaborate filtration and concentration, we obtain peptides with a very small molecular weight of up to 10 kDa. They are not only safer, but are also able to reach the bloodstream of the organism more quickly.
Peptides of animal origin have been carefully studied by scientists from many countries, such as the USA, Sweden, Germany and Russia for many years. The Russian scientists at the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology conducted the largest research work on peptides. This is by the way the only institution in the world that has more than 40 yearsм of experience with the peptides. The results of numerous studies support as well as the safety of peptides, as well as their effectiveness.
Not only raw materials, but also our finished products are thoroughly tested. Each product batch is tested in an accredited German laboratory according to the German and European standards.
It should be noted that there are different types of peptides. The peptides are systematically divided according to the number of amino acids from which they are built:
- oligopeptide: less than 10 amino acids (for example di-, tripeptides);
- polypeptide: 10 to 100 amino acids;
- protein: more than 100 amino acids.
Thus, each molecule composed of less than 100 amino acids can be referred to as a peptide. This is exactly where there is a risk of confusion or misunderstanding. If you do not know, you often think that peptide is automatically a hormone, anabolic or antibiotics. This is fundamentally wrong, since peptides are also constituents of the food proteins and are contained in all protein-containing foods. Even plants contain peptides.